서브페이지 이미지
Research Field
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  • Rarefied hypersonic gas flows
  • Micro and nano-scale fluid flows and heat transfer
    • Molecular interaction between fluid particles and surface atoms
    • Analysis of low-speed MEMS, NEMS flowfields

Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) and Optimization
    • Computational methods for high-order fluid dynamics models
    • Navier-Stokes code for low-speed flows
    • Computational MHD and computational electromagnetics (CEM)

Aerospace Applications
  • Semi-empirical aerodynamics code
  • Wave drag prediction
  • Aerodynamic design of missile and launcher system
  • Unsteady aerodynamics(ROM: reduced-order modelling)
Noise, Icing, Lightning and Certification of UAM (and PAV)
    • UAM aircraft noise analysis and reduction
    • Icing analysis and design/test/certification of ice protection systems for UAM
    • Lightning simulation and design/test/certification of lightning protection systems for UAM
  • Hypersonic ionized gas flows
  • Nozzle flows in rocket motors
  • Space plasmas in solar and heliospheric system
Aircraft Icing and Certification
    • Aircraft icing and anti/de-icing
    • Rotor blade icing and anti/de-icing
    • Engine intake icing and anti-icing

Aircraft Lightning and Certification
    • Fixed-wing aircraft lightning and protection systems
    • Rotorcraft lightning and protection systems
Stealth Technology
  • Aircraft survivability and RF stealth technology for flying vehicles
  • IR stealth technology and plume signal analysis
Aircraft Design Technology
    • Optimization techniques for aerodynamic and propulsive components
    • Mission model and analysis for aircrafts and battlefield helicopters
    • Impacts on aluminum skin structure

Other Applications
  • Wind Turbines Icing and Lightning
  • Rarefied Gas in Vacuum Devices
  • Computational Models for Electron Transport in Semiconductors