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5th International Conference on for Aircraft Core Technology (ICACT 2019).
Name : 관리자
Date : 2019-04-02 17:03:27 | Hit : 661

5th International Conference on for Aircraft Core Technology (ICACT 2019).


We would like to welcome you to the 5th International Conference on for Aircraft Core Technology (ACTRC).
The conference aims to provide a forum for active discussions and exchange of ideas on recent issues of aircraft core technology

; in particular, high-efficiency composites, in-flight icing, and safety-critical flight control technologies.

The invited speakers—international and domestic—are all distinguished experts in the field of aerospace engineering.

We look forward to welcoming you to Jinju, South Korea, on 4– 5th June, 2019.​

​For further information, please refer the atteched summary for ICACT 2019
